Beekeeping 101
Beekeeping 101 Mike Angelo, Lower Hackett garden's resident beekeeper, tends to two hives here. He was kind enough to open up the frames, suit people up, and tour the hives
Beekeeping 101 Mike Angelo, Lower Hackett garden's resident beekeeper, tends to two hives here. He was kind enough to open up the frames, suit people up, and tour the hives
Container Gardening 101 We hosted a container gardening lesson and hands-on building project in May. We put together some very simple 5 gallon bucket and milkcrate gardens, which are
Earth Day at Lower Hackett Park We celebrated Earth Day 2022 with City of Easton Urban Forestry, Easton Urban Farm, the Nurture Nature Center, PAZA Tree of Life, Lehigh Valley
Did you know: The same methods used to propagate houseplants are used for other favorite plants. Tomatoes and basil can be propagated through "cuttings", fruit tree branches can be "grafted", rhubarb
Veggie-packed Garden Recipes Have you stopped by Vegetables in the Community at the 10th & Pine garden this season to pick up some of our garden goodie bags? Many give-aways
The Importance of Native Plants in Your Garden By now you have most likely heard about the native plant movement and the efforts to reduce the number of invasive plant
In honor of this past week being National Pollinator Week, here are some fun facts about pollinators, and 3 easy steps you can take to help the
Earth Day Challenge We're celebrating Earth Day all month long with a raffle contest highlighting "green" habits in Easton and beyond. Whether you're biking to work, eating local, or cutting
Recycled Seed Paper Valentines Looking for a sustainable and heartwarming Valentine's Day gift? Upcycled, plantable seed paper was our pick. Craft it at home for a low-waste, eco-friendly present. Your
Grow your own Microgreens Dreaming of summer greens during these cold January days? You can grow microgreens at home, ready to eat in a little over a week! What are