Pop Into the Park Discussion – Jackson Street Park
October 6, 2020 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
In October, join the City of Easton and local design studio Omnes for a series of “Pop Into the Park” discussions to make your voice heard and help shape the future of neighborhood public spaces in Easton. The city is developing a new vision plan for seven underutilized “Pocket Parks” in West Ward and South Side, and residents are invited to visit the parks for socially distanced conversation sessions with the Omnes project team between Oct. 5-15. Let us know what you want to see in your neighborhood park. With your help, we’ll reimagine Easton’s underutilized spaces and develop a plan for future activity and investment together. All who attend Pop Into the Park discussions will be asked to socially distance and wear masks.
Can’t attend a “Pop Into the Parks” Discussion? Take the Easton Pocket Parks Survey at www.eastonpocketparks.com or email your suggestions to hello@eastonpocketparks.com.
Discussions will be held 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the following locations:
Oct. 5 – Bushkill Street Park, 1030 Bushkill St.
Oct. 6 – Jackson Street Park, 1142 Jackson St.
Oct. 7 – Centennial Park, 1216 Ferry St.
Oct. 8 – Raspberry Street Park, 1425 Spruce St.
Oct. 15 – Seventh Street Park, 102 N. Seventh St.