City of Easton Virtual Town Hall Meeting
April 14, 2020 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Join City of Easton Mayor Sal Panto Jr. every Tuesday at 4 pm for a Virtual Town Hall Meeting.
The Mayor, along with City Administrator Luis Campos, will provide an update on the city’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the city’s budget.
Members of the public will be able to ask questions and offer comments.
City Department Directors will be on-hand to answer questions.
Live video stream: https://www.easton-pa.
Virtual Town Hall Meeting Participants Call-in Information:
Dial in: 484-359-0304
PIN: 870861#
Mayor Panto and City Administrator Campos will give their presentation, and at its conclusion they will take questions from the public. Members of City Administration will also be on-hand to answer questions related to their respective departments.
To request to ask a question, participants will press ** (star star) to virtually raise their hand. (This instruction will also be printed on the live stream overlay on screen.)
All call-in participants will be muted. Participants asking questions will be unmuted when it is their turn. Participants’ questions will be asked in the order in which they were received. After their question is answered, the participant will be muted again and we will move on to the next participant.