Eat Real Food Mobile Market
September 8, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Join the Kellyn Team in Making the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice every Tuesday at two Eat Real Food Mobile Market locations in Easton! Fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains and grocery staples (including paper products!) and deliciously healthy Lifestyle Medicine Meals prepared by our own Chef Amanda and her awesome Kellyn Kitchens staff are available at convenient locations. The Mobile Market accepts cash, credit, debit, EBT Access cards and FMNP WIC and Senior Vouchers. EBT Access Card recipients receive a free $10 of local produce with an initial purchase of $10 as part of the Lehigh Valley Fresh Food Bucks program. Customers can also order online at healthyfood.kellyn.org and stop by the Mobile Market site to pick up your order.
Mobile Market will be located along 4th Street, between Washington and Ferry Streets.